How much electricity does a TV use per month, Power used by TV on standby
Some common questions regarding TV are "How much electricity does a TV use per month" or "how much TV use electricity" or "does a TV use power when turned off by remote control". We will answer these questions below.
Electric power consumption of TV
Please find below a table chart showing the electric power consumption of TVs in different sizes and different types. The TV energy consumption is calculated on the basis that TV will be used for 5 hours daily. Thus the electric power consumption costs of TV given below are monthly and yearly power cost for seeing TV on an average of 5 hours daily. The unit cost of electric power is assumed as 11 cents, the average electric power cost per unit according to the guidelines set by the US Government.
It is important to note that the power consumption of a TV varies according to many factors like the brightness of the picture, the sound output and various other factors. So only an approximate average value of the power consumption of a TV can be taken for calculation purposes. The actual consumption may vary plus or minus upto 25%.
TV Size | TV type | Power | Cost $/Month | Cost $/Year |
32" | LED | 30W | 0.495 | 5.94 |
40" | LED | 45W | 0.743 | 8.91 |
55" | LED | 70W | 1.155 | 13.86 |
55" | Plasma | 200W | 3.300 | 39.60 |
55" | OLED | 40W | 0.660 | 7.92 |
65" | LED | 90W | 1.485 | 17.82 |
65" | Plasma | 300W | 4.950 | 59.40 |
65" | OLED | 50W | 0.825 | 9.90 |
How much power does a TV use when switched off by remote control, TV standby power costs
When a TV is switched off by remote control the TV is on standby mode and uses a very small negligble quantity of electric power. The TV power consumption when off is greater in a larger screen TV than in a smaller TV, mainly due to the higher standby power required by the higher capacity stepdown voltage transformers of larger TVs. The amount of power used is about 0.3 watts in smaller 32 inch Flatscreen TVs to about 0.5 watts in a 65 inch LED TV. These figures are only average and will vary slightly in different makes of TV.
The energy cost of TV on standby for a day of 24 hours for a 32 inch LED TV will be about 7.2 watts-hours (0.3 watts x 24 hours) and for a month it will be 216 watts-hours or 0.216 Kilo-watt hours or 0.216 units of electricity (divide by 1000 to get in Kilo-watt Hours which is a unit of electricity). In this case, a 32 inch LED TV on standby consumes 0.216 units of Electricity if the TV is left on standby for a month. With an electricity cost of 11 cents per unit (average cost of electricity in USA) the cost per month for leaving a 32 inch TV on idle or standby for a month will be just 2.4 cents. The cost of leaving TV on standby for a 65 inch LED TV for a month will cost just 4 cents. The cost of leaving TV on standby or idle for Plasma TV, OLED TV or Ultra HD TV will all be under 10 cents a month.
TV Energy Guide Label

To have an idea of the power consumption of a TV per month for the different types of TV, it is compulsory in USA for all TVs to have an Energy Guide label stuck prominently on the TV package and on the TV itself. A sample of this label is shown below.
As per the Federal Law the energy consumption figures on the label are based on an electricity cost of 11 cents per unit of electricity - KWh and based on an average use of 5 hours per day. The Energy Star program uses the maximum power of the TV to do their rating, wheras in actual usage, the power usage will be less.
As we mentioned above in our table above of average TV power consumption, the power consumed by a TV varies according to many factors like the brightness of the picture, the sound output and various other factors. We have used the more realistic power consumption figures of latest generation TVs in the TV power consumption table given at the top of this page.
In the sample label above, the Electricity usage for the 50 to 54" TV in question in the label will be $39- per year or about $ 3.25 per month... ...For more on the Energy Guide Label and Star Rating
The US Energy Star program
The US Government, through the US Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), launched the US Energy Star program in 1992. The aim of the Energy Star program is to make it easy for consumers and manufacturers to save energy and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To earn an Energy Star rating the product has to be energy efficient and meet the specifications laid out in the program by the government. Energy Star rated TVs are more energy efficient than standard products and provide the same or better performance.
EPA estimates published in 2012 said that Energy Star products reduced more than 150 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually by saving more than 200 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity in a year. This is indeed great news and it is recommended that Star Rated TVs are bought for your saving and for the environment. Star Rated TVs are claimed to be upto 40 percent more energy efficient than conventional TVs.
Buying TV online
These days buying a TV on line makes more sense, because of the many advantages. You get to buy the TV without much hassle online and the courier Company delivers to your door. If you want installation, it can usually be ordered online at the time of purchase, most of the time included in the price or there may be a very small extra charge. The price of TVs online from Amazon will be cheaper than what is available in your local stores. Service and Warranty are as good as or even better than if you bought it at a local store. The best part is that in case you are not satisfied with the TV, you can return it and get full refund and Amazon will arrange for the courier to pick up the returned item from you.
Links to buy TV online from Amazon
This is the Link to buy TV online from Amazon CANADA
This is the Link to buy TV online from Amazon INDIA
This is the Link to buy TV online from Amazon UK
This is the Link to buy TV online from Amazon USA
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