All about Flat Screen TVs

Plasma TV was better than LED TV

The main advantages of Plasma TV over LED TV are that Plasma TV has much richer natural looking colors with much higher contrast ratio.Plasma TVs did not suffer from motion-lag blur, the effect of blurring of fast moving objects in a TV picture, like the blurring of a football when it is kicked hard and fast. It is these qualities of the Plasma TV that made it the choice of TV lovers all over the world. Please see our dedicated page comparing Plasma TV against other types of TVs

These were the main advantages of Plasma TVs over LED TVs:

Why Plasma TV discontinued, why Plasma TV was not popular

Some killer Plasma TV problems has led to its death with no more Plasma TVs being manufactured by the mainstream TV manufacturers. The two main disadvantages of Plasma TV are that the picture, even though of very high quality, cannot be viewed in brightly lit rooms, because the picture on a Plasma TV is not as bright as that of an LCD or LED TV. The other major disadvantage of Plasma TVs is called 'Burn-in', explained further down on this page. This has caused demand for Plasma TVs to fall. The Burn-in problem of Plasma TV has been overcome by new technologies and present day Plasma TVs do not suffer from Burnin problem, but the scare of Plasma Burnin has sort of killed the demand for Plasma TVs and most of the major manufacturers of TVs have discontinued production of Plasma TVs.

The latest victim seems to be Panasonic TV who took over the famous line of Plasma TVs called 'KURO' or the Pioneer Kuro Plasma TV. Panasonic Plasma TVs are considered the very best Plasma TVs produced and most TV reviewers and Videophiles just loved the Panasonic Plasma TVs. But Panasonic continued to face dwindling demand and zooming losses for their Plasma TV division. The 'Nikkei', a Japanese newspaper reported in March 2013 that Panasonic was considering reducing the size of its Plasma TV production over the next three years and to stop production of Plasma TVs at its main plant in Amagasaki, Japan at the end of 2014.

Problems of Plasma TV

Because of some major problems of Plasma TV which have been mostly overcome by the manufacturers, but the bad name Plasma TV got when these problems first appeared has not been forgotten. So Plama TV is almost dead now with Panasonic having decided to stop the production of Plasma TVs. The main problems faced by Plasma TVs were as follows:

Size of Plasma TVs and price

The standard sizes of flat screen TV are 22, 26, 32, 37, 40, 46, 50, 55 and 60 inches. LED TV are available from 32 inch onwards. Plasma TV start from 42 inch onwards. The popular Plasma TV sizes are 42, 43, 50, 60 and 65 inches. Generally Plasma TVs are cheaper than the equivalent size LED / LCD TV.

Plasma TV Lifespan

All TV loses some of it brightness as the years go by. The lifespan of a flat screen TV is defined as the working time in hours it takes for the screen brightness to become half its original brightness. For LCD and LED the figure quoted is over 100,000 hours. For the life of Plasma TV the figure quoted is 60,000 hours. Let us look at these figures in perspective. We calculated as 1825 hours of TV Viewing in a year when viewed for 5 hours every day of the year. Thus 60,000/1825 = 32.88 years and 100,000/1825 =54.8 years.

So to the question: How long does Plasma TV last? The answer is at least 32 years. Thus You need not worry about the life of Plasma TV or any other TV for that matter.

Size and Weight of Plasma TV

Just by looking at a flat screen TV you will not be able to tell whether it is an LCD or LED or Plazma TV. They all look the same. LED TV can come with a very thin profile (front to back). Plasma TV is usually the heaviest and LED TV the lightest. The table below gives the weight of comparable TV.

Size and Weight of TVs
Size of TVWeight LED TVWeight Plasma TV
42"31 lbs / 14Kg42 lbs / 19Kg
55"46 lbs / 21Kg62 lbs / 28Kg
65"66 lbs / 30Kg90 lbs / 41Kg

Viewing Angle of Plasma TV

Plasma TV without doubt has the best viewing angle. LCD and LED suffer from picture degradation as you move towards the sides of the TV. The picture also suffers if the TV is placed well above or below eye level.

Plasma TV problem of Screen Burn-in, image burn-in, Image persistence or ghost image

Plazma TV used to have a problem known as Screen burn-in, image burn-in, Image persistence or ghost image, which is a mark left on the TV screen when there is one constant picture on the TV screen all the time, for example the logo of a TV station shown all the time in one corner of the TV. If you watch this TV station for a long time then that logo seems to get imprinted on the TV screen. When you watch another channel, the logo of the TV station referred to before, seems to appear as a ghost image on all channels. This is the phenomena called 'burn-in'. Now Plasma TV manufacturers have a plasma tv burn in fix to overcome this problem with a process called 'Plasma pixel-shifting' under different trade names like 'pixel wobbling', 'pixel orbiting', etc. Plasma TV of today have overcome this problem and do not suffer from it any more.

Plasma TV has better Color and Clarity, but not as bright as LED

LED TV normally have brighter screens and perform better in very brightly lit rooms. But under normal or dim lit rooms Plasma TV picture is better. Plasma has richer colors which appear more natural, whereas in LCD /LED TV the color tends to be oversaturated. The reason for this is that in a Plasma TV, each pixel has the red, green, and blue elements which can together create all colours in the spectrum, upto 16.77 million colors. LCD / LED TV on the other hand has to work with the white backlight and needs to reduce colours from white light to get the right colour. This is a difficult task, but modern LCD / LED TV does a good job of it. Newer LED technologies are trying to overcome this problem by having Red, Green and Blue LED bulbs as the backlight source and trying to match the colours of particular spots of the picture by on/off of the right coloured LED as required. This technology may come close to the Plasma colour but it is doubtful if it can match the Plasma, where each individual pixel produces the color required.

Plasma TV has no Motion Blur

LED TV suffer from an effect known as 'Trailing image' or 'Motion Lag'. This becomes obvious when you are watching fast action sports. For example a cricket ball while being hit to the boundary appears blurred. Similarly in football the ball, and sometimes the players, moving fast appear blurred with a trailing ghost image behind. The same effect can also be seen when in a scene, the camera moves fast from one side to the other, the whole picture starts to Judder or flicker. These effects are caused by the LCD elements not being fast enough to switch on and off. Plasma TV does not have this problem and so is usually the TV of choice amongst Sports enthusiasts. LCD and LED TV are trying to catch up and are doing a good job of it.

Contrast Ratio good in Plasma TV

Plasma TV has higher contrast ratios than LCD or LED TV. This is because of the inherent technology, where Plasma TV has millions of pixels which light up individually to make the picture. In a LCD / LED TV the picture is projected on to the viewer with a backlight at the back of the LCD panel. This inherently causes bleeding of light to the dark areas of the picture thus effecting the contrast ratio. LCD / LED TV are improving dynamic contrast ratio with use of technologies like 'Local Dimming' and slowly catching up with Plasma TV.

Buying TV online

These days buying a TV on line makes more sense, because of the many advantages. You get to buy the TV without much hassle online and the courier Company delivers to your door. If you want installation, it can usually be ordered online at the time of purchase, most of the time included in the price or there may be a very small extra charge. The price of TVs online from Amazon will be cheaper than what is available in your local stores. Service and Warranty are as good as or even better than if you bought it at a local store. The best part is that in case you are not satisfied with the TV, you can return it and get full refund and Amazon will arrange for the courier to pick up the returned item from you.

Links to buy TV online from Amazon

This is the Link to buy TV online from Amazon CANADA

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This is the Link to buy TV online from Amazon USA


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